Our B Corp Journey

What is B Corp?

B Corp is a certification given to businesses that meet high standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency.

It is a for-profit corporation certified by B Lab for its social impact. B Lab, a global non-profit organization, confers B Corp certification. To be granted and to maintain certification, companies must receive a minimum score of 80 from an assessment of their social and environmental performance.

Why B Corp?

We decided to become a B Corp to demonstrate our commitment behind our ideas and to showcase the purpose we stand for. We prioritize the well-being of people, the community, and the planet, and this certification is evidence of that.

Giving back and supporting the community is fundamental to our business. From our ethical supply chain to our culture, values, and ethical practices, we strive to make a positive impact on real people's lives through all of our hard work.

After over a year of verification, the great news that Stand4 Socks has qualified as a Certified B-Corporation.

What motivates the idea?

Stand4 Socks began with a simple idea of doing good, with our Founder Josh discussing a seemingly minimal item one day and asking, "What if socks could change the world?", making something simple, a force for good.

Since then, we have been striving to achieve these aims every day and we're so proud to see our impact grow.

“Based on the B Impact Assessment, Stand4 Socks earned an overall score of 115.8. The median score for ordinary businesses who complete the assessment is currently 50.9”

Why does B Corp Matter?

The B Corp Certification demonstrates that we adhere to rigorous standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability. It also obligates us to continually enhance our impact.

This is important to us because it signifies our dedication to our community and our values, and validates our practices through the thorough certification process we underwent.

Changing the World, One Pair of Socks at a time.